Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Tired of Sitting at the Desk? Try Standing!

Do you find yourself tired and achy after a day at work when all you actually did was sit at the desk? Did you know that you had other options besides sitting down at your desk all day? They are called Standing Desks.

These are the same thoughts that Gina Trapani, the founder of, was thinking after spending at least 40 hours per week sitting at her desk working on her computer. She states that sitting all day was starting to take a toll on her health and body weight. So she decided to go out and purchase a standing work station from Ikea.

Whether you choose to stand or walk at your workstation, there are many benefits. Let me list some of those for you:

*Sitting in a slumped, static position all day puts increasing pressure on your joints. Standing allows you to keep a upright posture and is easier on your low back. Sitting puts about 50% more pressure on your low back versus standing.

*Standing also keeps your nervous system more awake. While standing, mechanoreceptors which are in your muscles, tendons, and joints in the body. This sends constant messages to your brain which in the long run can increase your balance.

*Standing causes you to burn more calories through having to constantly fire the muscles in your legs to keep you upright.

While those are all great reasons to stand at your desk instead of sitting, the benefits of walking are even better. Walking allows you to constantly shift your body weight from one leg to the other. In turn, this helps keep the joints better lubricated and also helps send more nutrients to the areas. On top of that, you burn even more calories!

Keep in mind you won't be ready for a marathon after using the walking desk. It is best used with a very slow pace. Instead focusing on the walking it is more of a rhythem or motion that will become second nature for those worried it will take your focus away from the task at hand.

If you have any other questions about how to set up your desk or about any of the other articles feel free to email me at or visit my website at .

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